Zervas and Pepper concert review
I’ve been telling Paul Zervas & Kath Pepper to play Acapela Studios for years. I could see the marriage of their glorious acoustic harmonies with the sonic possibilities of The Chapel would delight an Acapela crowd so it was with huge pleasure that I got to see this realised.
Paul & Kath were joined by their usual guitarist Simon Kingman on electric guitar and Charlie Piercy on Keyboard and electric guitar. And of course, the two Cigar Store Indians on silent backing vocals and intensive staring. The duo are currently riding high on the release of their latest album, Endless Road, Restless Nomad. So we were treated to a plethora of new material and some Sure Fire Hits from the Z&P Catalogue. It was more or less a hometown gig for the band and the crowd were certainly up for a good time.
They kicked off with 4 songs from the new album which established the form of the show (and albums for that matter) where Paul and then Kath take on lead vocal duties on each song.
So we get Cards, Sad Pariah, Endless Road and Restless Nomad.
For the full review visit the excellent Meetwood Flac blog.